Saturday, August 25, 2007

Never mind the website, check out eBay

I'm frustrated that we have a sensational new collection of shirts in our warehouse, but we're far behind schedule in our website update.

It could be a couple of months yet before we complete the work. I'm resisting the temptation to offer excuses.

At times like this, I remember why we have an eBay store.

Right now our eBay store is a great fallback. Even though it will be some time before the GMtee website is updated, I am already listing the new collection at eBay. So you can buy new shirts now at the GMtee eBay store .

I'm not even halfway finished yet, so you'll continue to see new additions over the next week or two. It's pre-launch, until the website is done.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Before we begin

There are many reasons for setting out to write for you. But don't think that I will list them all in this post; that could be material for at least a dozen future posts. I'm not going to blurt it all out at once. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I hereby swear to write a new post at least once a week. The least you can do is click on "Add to Favorites".

Sometime in the next few weeks we will customise the look of this page to fit with a new look at GMtee. I plan to integrate "Genuine GMtee" into the website, as if it were part of the site. In the meantime, we're in beta phase!

"Genuine GMtee" has a nice ring to it, don't you think, for the name of this blog? Or do you have a better idea for a name? I feel a marketing promotion coming on. I'd better go lie down until the feeling passes.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let's keep in touch

Let's start with an introduction: I'm Don and I'm one of the two partners at GMtee. We're in Hong Kong and we design and retail fashion T-shirts at

My partner is dickie (with a small d), who's the creative genius. I do all the dirty work. We've been friends for many years and we started GMtee back in 2003. We've come a long way, but we have much further still to go.

We're creating this new blog to be a feature of our website. Yes, it's a commercial blog. I'll be writing mostly about the trials and tribulations of building our brand. I hope that our customers (that's you) will enjoy checking in to find out what we're doing, and that we will use this blog to keep in touch with each other.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments, positive or negative, and having a real dialogue with the thousands of happy people who already have a GMtee in their wardrobe. Thanks for wearing our shirts!