Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dear Departed Design Game

In a sombre ceremony this morning we paid our last respects to the GMtee Design Game May it rest in peace.

The Design Game served us well for many years. Every week we displayed twelve draft shirt designs and asked players to vote for two. Any player who correctly selected the two most popular designs that week won a US$20.00 credit for their next purchase. Hundreds of people played and won. Many players were Canadian, due to the promotion of our game at a popular Canadian website devoted to winning free stuff.

The results of the game helped us decide which designs were most likely to be successful. And it gave our customers a chance to influence our creative direction.

But by this time next week you will see our new and improved GMtee website. As we soar onwards and upwards, sometimes painful decisions have to be made about what to leave behind. The ruthless hand of the editor sweeps out the old and brings in the new. Fashion demands constant renewal!

As we mourn the passing of the Design Game, we eagerly anticipate the rebirth of GMtee. Coming soon to a blog near you.

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