Monday, October 22, 2007

The three greatest eBay feedbacks ever

If you have ever bought or sold at eBay, you will be familiar with their feedback system.

Feedback comments can be a wonderful source of entertainment. If you have several days to spare, you should read this long-running thread from the eBay Feedback discussion board.

For me there are three stand-out classics. Here they are in no particular order:

Neg left by Buyer: Very Bad, Sick Seller! No credit and raise S/H after the end of bidding!

Reply by Seller: TotalPsycho!EmailedMePicturesOfDeadBabiesinSoup!Reported2AmnestyIntl SO SCARY!

This one was left for a seller who sells teeth-whitening trays and gel:

Neg left by Buyer: how do you expect me to endure the pain of trimming my own gumlines!!

Reply by Seller: HHEELLLLOO!! Trim the TRAYS to the gumline... NOT YOUR OWN GUMS!!! WOW!!!!!!!!

This third one I'm paraphrasing from memory, since I can find no trace of the original feedback:

Pos left by buyer: Great service, fast shipping, cool item. Very pleased, highly recommended!

Reply by seller: Yes, but don't plug it in or KA-PHUCKING-BOOM!!!

And finally, here's the infamous eBay kettle photo. Look closely. Eeeeewwwwwww!

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