Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Time to Kill

Wow! It's been slow around here the last couple of weeks. Plenty of traffic but only half the sales!
Perhaps it's just the time of year. February was our worst month last year and was weak in previous years too.

So, with time to kill, I've been visiting my favourite eBay discussion boards: the eBay Stores board and Seller Central. In the last week or two, since eBay announced some important new changes, the boards have been dominated by protest threads and calls to boycott. Perhaps by the time you take a look, the boardies will have returned to their usual fare such as "Image of toast appears on face of Virgin Mary!!!".

I don't mean to sneer. The eBay boards are a great resource, especially for an e-commerce newbie. But some members eventually tire of the name-calling and mangled grammar and go off to start their own forums. As it happens, I was invited to join one just today called Creative Shop Talk. It's only a month old and is aimed at the small website owner.

I'm the newest member and I recognise many of the others from the eBay Stores board. Thanks to Alana and Avid Cat for their gracious welcome.

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